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Colin's Challenge

With under 1 week to go before the Mad March Mare I am nearly there with my target set, which was to lose 1 stone in weight.

I am 3 weeks in to my challenge and so far I have lost 10 pounds (4.5kg), all from eating a balanced healthy diet. Not a diet in the sense of counting 'sins' or starving myself on a single lettuce leaf wrapped around a stick of celery, but by actually eating more often, healthy, nutritious, tasty meals with plenty of variety.

All of which have been quick and easy to prepare & cook (in fact Charlie my 10 year old son has done most of the cooking). This puts pay to my usual excuse of 'not having time to eat healthily'.

With Diane's guidance and advice the meals have been a doddle to stick to, in all honesty I don't feel I've been dieting, I've had more energy throughout the day and my pants no longer cut me in two!!!

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Diane Shane Stone @ SSFitness.  By The Camera Cowboy.

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