30-Day Spring Challenge
Spring time is here so why not spring in to action with one of our 30-day fitness challenges
Choose one (or more) of the following challenges to be completed within a 30-day period. The time period starts on Monday 16th March and must be completed by Sunday 19th April 2020.
Challenge 1 – Class challenge
To complete this challenge, you must participate in a minimum of 3 classes weekly for the duration of the challenge. Attendance will be monitored to ensure the challenge is complete.
Challenge 2 – Weight loss
To complete this challenge, you must agree (with Diane) an achievable weight loss target to reach by the end of the 30-day period. Start weight will be recorded. Advice and information will be available to assist.
Challenge 3 – Fitness challenge
To complete this challenge, you must take part in a designated fitness circuit. 10 exercises, 1 min each exercise, total duration 10 mins. Results will be recorded at the start/end of 30 days. To complete the challenge, you must have improved you score on a minimum of 5 exercises. Home exercise sheets are available to practise and train at home.
Challenge 4 – Fat loss challenge
To complete this challenge, you must reduce your body fat by the end of the 30-day period. Your body fat will be measured at the beginning and end of the 30-day duration. Appropriate advice and information will be available to assist.
Challenge 5 – Run/walk
To complete this challenge, you must improve your run/walk time for 5km. A recommended couch to 5km app is available to assist.
You must select your challenge and register with Diane/Colin who will record necessary information.
Appropriate information is available to help you advice is available to help you achieve your challenge.
Incentive! Obviously the accolade of self-improvement and achieving your challenge but also all who complete will receive a prize.
For more information on any of our challenges contact Diane or Colin.